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gravitational influence造句

"gravitational influence"是什么意思  
  • If it were, its gravitational influence would likely prevent Kepler-186f from transiting.
  • There they drifted free of the gravitational influence of any single galaxy.
  • Next, the gravitational influence of objects not included in the ODP was considered.
  • Orbital resonances greatly enhance the mutual gravitational influence of the bodies.
  • The disk may be precessing from the gravitational influence of the secondary component.
  • The disk is under the gravitational influence of some other body.
  • On Earth, the gravitational influence of the Moon has a much greater effect.
  • Gravitational influence involves a transfer of energy, and therefore cannot travel faster than light.
  • As Toutatis whips by us every four years, Earth's gravitational influence alters its path.
  • Surely the gravitational influence is weaker the further the object is aways from it?
  • It's difficult to see gravitational influence in a sentence. 用gravitational influence造句挺难的
  • The limits of Jupiter's gravitational influence are defined by its Hill sphere, whose radius is.
  • The gravitational influence of Proxima might also have stirred up the Alpha Centauri protoplanetary disks.
  • The aphelion can change significantly due to the gravitational influence of planets and other stars.
  • The gravitational influence of this planet would disrupt the orbit of any potentially Earth-like planet.
  • The comet has often suffered the gravitational influence of Jupiter, which has altered its orbit considerably.
  • The Hill sphere, or the sphere of gravitational influence, of the Earth is about in radius.
  • Hyakutake is a gravitational influence of the giant planets has now increased this to 72, 000 years.
  • It was once thought that the gravitational influence of cosmic strings might contribute to the gaussian fluctuations.
  • The astronomers measured a slight wobble in the star indicating the gravitational influence of a companion planet.
  • The authors surmise that they were stripped from the cluster by the gravitational influence of the Milky Way.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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